

  • As previously reported, the Kerrisdale Summer Day Camps will be held over a six week period at Maple Grove Park starting on July 20th.  The camp, which can accommodate 25 participants is now sold out with a waitlist.  Each week camp participants will form activity groups of 5 campers and a leader.  Social distancing and other Covid-19 control measures will be followed in accordance with the camp safety plan.
  • Outdoor Fitness programming for Adults is coming in August.  A limited number of adult fitness programs will be designed and offered in August at Kerrisdale.  The Kerrisdale Recreation Programmer will work with interested instructors to develop outdoor versions of popular programs to be offered to Kerrisdale residents for the balance of the summer.  Covid-19 controls will be in place for all program activities. 
  • Come September community centres across the City would like to offer Day care and Pre-school services as these services were identified in the recent patron survey as high priority.  To do this staff must be hired and centres opened, at least partially.  The community centre associations working with Park Board staff are in the process of preparing a submission to the City in support of funding being provided to facilitate the opening of day care and pre-school services.
  • Other areas of high priority, as expressed in the patrons survey completed in June, are Senior programming, Food Security, and Youth programming.   
Robert Lockhart | President, Kerrisdale Community Centre Society (KCCS)

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