
Kerrisdale Community Centre Society Membership

When you sign up for a program or event at the Kerrisdale Community Centre, you will receive a free annual membership in the Society unless you refuse it. You may apply for a membership in the Society at the front desk at any time. The membership year is September 1 to August 31.

Benefits of being a member of the Society

  • You are part of the decision making at your community centre and can influence what happens at the Kerrisdale Community Centre
  • You can raise issues and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, stand for a position on the Board of Directors, and participate on any Board Committee.
  • Your interests are used to guide the selection of programs, workshops, speakers, and recreational activities.
  • Having a large number of members — Kerrisdale currently has over 12,000 – allows your Society to speak with authority on behalf of the community and helps us when we apply for grants to support special program initiatives.
  • The Society can contact you about new programs and services that might interest you.

Direct participation by residents is what makes Vancouver’s community centres truly centres of each community. Be a proud member of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society; help to ensure excellent programming chosen to meet the needs of our community.

Join the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society – it’s free and it makes a difference!