About the Society
Founded in 1943, the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society (KCCS) is a registered society under the B.C. Societies Act. It is governed by its constitution and by-laws and by its board-approved policies.
The society is responsible for the programs, services and activities at the Kerrisdale Community Centre. The society is at times also involved in projects and activities in the surrounding community. Its overriding mission is “to provide social connections, cultural experiences, wellness programs and recreation opportunities that advance the quality of the lives of our community’s residents.”
The Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, in cooperation with centre staff, arranges for all the programs and activities presented by the centre; purchases furniture and equipment for the centre; and from time to time contributes to the physical upgrading of the facilities.
The society is run by a Board of Directors elected by its members at the society’s annual general meeting held in mid-February.
The society has a Joint Operating Agreement with the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation that sets out the terms of their respective responsibilities relative to the operation of the Kerrisdale Community Centre.
Society documents: Minutes of Annual General Meetings from 1949 and Meetings of the Board of Directors from 1943 are published after they have been approved. Annual Reports from 1945-46, Audited Financial Statements from 1945 and Statements of Retained Earnings from 2018 are also published each year.
Board Committees: The Board has a number of committees, each with specific responsibilities. While most committee members are also board members, any society member may be appointed to a committee.
The society’s Strategic Plan 2020-2024 was adopted in August 2019. The most recent Community Needs Assessment was accepted by the KCCS Board of Directors in May 2019.
Contact the KCCS Board of Directors by email (kerrisdaleccsociety@gmail.com)or phone (604-257-6904).
KCCS Board of Directors
Members of the society’s Board of Directors are elected to the board during the annual general meeting held in February; if vacancies occur between annual general meetings, directors can be appointed by the board to complete a term.
Officers of the Society 2024-2025
President.……………………………………………. Kathy McKay
Vice-president…………………………….………… Dorothy Chang
Vice-president………………………….…………… Miran Aziz
Treasurer……………………………………..……… Kathleen Bigsby
Secretary………………………………………..…… Humaira Akhtar
Directors of the Society (At-Large) 2024-2025
Mani Bala, Oscar Bisnar, Claire Cheung, Lo Ming Lee, Wendy Ma, Seun Oyeneye, Morag Pansegrau, Edward Quan, Robert Tudhope, Deanna Wong, Yee Wong, Joshua Yoon, Mike Zhou
KCCS Staff
Communications Assistant………………………… Sheila Hansen
Administration Assistant…………………………… Grace Green
Accountant..………………………………………… Sadaf Eghtesadi
Food Services Coordinator.………………………… Julien Toscano-Saoui
For information about the activities of the KCCS Board of Directors, please visit the society bulletin boards in the centre or our Society Documents.
Society Projects
Kerrisdale-Musqueam Story Circle (2022-2023)
The Kerrisdale Community Centre sits on the unceded traditional territories of the Musqueam people. Joining the country’s reconciliation efforts to build a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples, the KCCS Community Engagement Committee launched the Kerrisdale-Musqueam Story Circle in June 2022. The initiative created a safe, welcoming and participatory space for attendees to learn about place, identity and traditional Indigenous knowledge in the presence of Musqueam Nation members. The well-attended inaugural event was followed by a November 2022 climate-change-themed Story Circle II, featuring Gitxsan artist and scholar Michael Blackstock, and a June 2023 Story Circle III highlighted by the screening of the documentary Emerging Ancestors and the transformative power of art.
Check back for more projects
Society Links with the Community
Kerrisdale Community Garden
The Kerrisdale Community Garden (KCG) is a collaborative association of 21 plot holders who work together to grow vegetables and flowers in an organic and pesticide-free manner; collaborate on community-based projects; and enjoy the harmony and good feeling that comes from honest satisfying work in a beautiful setting. The garden offers a welcoming place in which a community of gardeners can flourish along with their crops.
Our community services include:
- providing some edible production on a non-profit basis to the Seniors Centre kitchen at the Kerrisdale Community Centre;
- providing herbs to members of the local community, for example through a Cut and Come Again Herb Garden;
- growing pumpkins for kindergarten children at a nearby elementary school;
- enhancing the beauty and species diversity of our neighboirhood, for example by planting a wildflower meadow in the area between the garden and the Arbutus Greenway.
The KCG is located at the junction of W. 60th Ave. and W. Blvd. Learn more about the garden on its website: kerrisdalecommunitygarden.wordpress.com.
Kerrisdale Business Improvement Association (BIA)
The Kerrisdale Community Centre Society has a liaison member attend meetings of the Kerrisdale Business Association to share information and, on occasion, share resources to improve the community. For further information about the Kerrisdale BIA go to www.kerrisdalevillage.com
In addition to our strong relationship with the KBA, the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society is pleased to recognize the more than 30 local businesses that support, in one way or another, our efforts to meet the recreational, social, and artistic needs of our community.