
Kerrisdale DayCamp Schedule | Jul 20-Sep 4

Daycamp schedule pg 2


All enrolled participants are asked to print and fill out these forms prior to arriving and ready to hand in on the first day.  By filling out the forms in advance, you will assist in decreasing contact points under the COVID protocols.

Reminder to bring a packed lunch, snack, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, and towel everyday!
Camp hours are 9:00 AM –4:00 PM.

Camp schedule is subject to change without notice and may be weather dependent. Contact the Daycamp Manager: Alison Mah 236-886-9408 for enquiries.

The Kerrisdale Community Centre Society (KCCS) are excited to offer day camps at Maple Grove Park for seven weeks beginning July 20 for children aged 6 to 12-yrs. Maple Grove has access to playgrounds, washrooms, and field houses. Note: that as at July 13, day camps have SOLD OUT, with a waitlist.

Children and parents will be asked to arrive at designated check-in/out locations at 9:00 am each day. Day camp leaders (one leader per five children) will guide children to designated and physically distanced activity areas marked with clear signage.

The following guidelines will also be implemented:

  • Parents will complete a daily verbal health screening with staff, who will document responses and retain for records.
  • Children will be assigned individual bags of supplies, such as scissors and markers, for use throughout the week and stored on site. At the end of each week items will be disinfected to allow use in the next week’s camp.
  • Sports equipment will be stored in bins and cleaned after use.
  • Clear instructions on hand washing before and after each activity will be provided and children directed to avoid physical touching and to practice physical distancing.
  • High touch surfaces will be regularly cleaned.

All day camp activities will be COVID compliant and based on Provincial Health Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health and BC Recreation and Parks Association guidelines


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