Seniors Centre

Kerrisdale Seniors Centre

5851 West Boulevard Vancouver, BC
(corner of West Boulevard and West 42nd Avenue)

Phone: 604-257-8109

Seniors dancing to a live band.

Seniors Centre Fees, Membership and Hot Lunch Program

Please follow the links below:

Seniors Centre Description:

The Kerrisdale Seniors Centre offers a variety of recreational and wellness programs and services that cater to those 55 years and older.

The Seniors Council publishes a newsletter, The Monarch, every month listing events, program schedules and lunch menus.

Membership in the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society

Membership in the society is not required but is strongly encouraged, and it’s free of charge. Membership can be obtained from the service desk in the Seniors Centre.

The membership year is September 1 to August 31.

Fees and Charges

Because the Society can no longer charge membership fees, we now have to charge for programs and services that had previously been free to members.

This is unfortunate, but necessary if the Community Centre Society is to cover its overhead costs. The Society’s only sources of revenue are program fees and a few grants.

Seniors News

JCC Showtime-May 15

JCC Showtime A variety of old time Broadway Hits brought to you by the popular JCC group. Instructor: Beryl Israel Tuesday May 15, 7:00 pm-9:00

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When Kerrisdale ROCKED!

When Kerrisdale ROCKED! Built in 1949, the Kerrisdale Arena has offered a host of recreational options to the community from skating lessons, roller derby and

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Betty’s Kitchen

We are excited to announce a new blog page dedicated to showcase recipes from Betty’s Kitchen.

For those who are not familiar with our Seniors’ Lunch Program, more than 27,000 Society-subsidized lunches were served at our Seniors Centre before Covid-19. On average about 100 meals were served each day, 6-days a week. This program was a valuable resource to our Kerrisdale seniors

We know you’ve been missing Betty’s great lunches and snacks from the Senior’s Kitchen and Coffee Bar so here’s an opportunity to try some of them for yourself at home. We will post one recipe each week from her collection of entrees, mains, desserts and baked goods, which she has tweaked to cater for 4-6 people. 

We invite you to post your reviews and comments and/or share photos of your creations with us! Use the hashtag #bettyskitchen on InstagramFacebook and Twitter and remember to tag @KerrisdaleCC